Aubeon Cooperative Diakilu improves livelihoods

UNDP is providing the community with financial and technical support, materials and training

March 5, 2018

In March 2018 UNDP participated in a field visit to observe and discuss the progress of the groups' activities

The Aubeon Cooperative Diakliu has three community groups consisting of 57 members who are responsible for managing the restoration of over 580 ha of mangrove ecosystem in Manatuto municipality. All groups have the objective of creating job opportunities, reducing the unemployment rate in Aubeon village and generating family income.

Aubeon community is unique in Timor-Leste for conserving and projecting large mangrove and coastal wetlands without fencing through community bylaw Tara-bandu. 

UNDP is providing the community with financial and technical support, materials and trainings in order to enhance the livelihoods of the three groups consisting of fisheries group, fattening group and agriculture group.

In March 2018 the National Director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), local authorities, UNDP, local communities and community group members conducted a field visit in order to observe and discuss the progress of the groups' activities.

The fattening group - which prepares shelter and food for cows and buffaloes - has already commenced working on 7 ha of land provided by their suco, agriculture groups are expecting a large maize harvest from their 4 ha of land and the fisheries group are preparing their ponds on more than 1 hectare of land.

UNDP has provided the groups with business skills training including how to develop a business plan and implementing small scale business activities.