Statement on Timor-Leste Parliamentary Election 2018

May 14, 2018

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Dili, 14 May 2018: The UN Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative of UNDP together with all members of the UN Country Team in Timor-Leste congratulates the people, Government, all national institutions and candidates on the occasion of the 2018 parliamentary elections. 

We welcome the peaceful polling and high turnout by the electorate that took place in the country on 12 May 2018.

The UN praises the efforts made by national authorities, especially the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration for organization and management of the elections, the National Electoral Commission for monitoring and supervising the electoral process and the National Police of Timor-Leste for maintaining law and order throughout the electoral period.

We look forward to the result of the national tabulation from the CNE and declaration of the results from the Supreme Court for the conclusion of this process.  


Dili, 14 Maiu 2018: Rezidente Koordenador ONU no Rezidente Reprezentante PNUD hamutuk ho membru Ekipa ONU nian sira seluk iha Timor-Leste congratula Povu, Governu, Instituisaun Nasional no Kandidatus hotu ba okaziaun eleisaun parlamentar 2018.

Ami mos hato’o congratulasaun ba votasaun pasifika no partisipasaun maximu husi eleitores hotu iha nasaun ba loron 12, fulan Maio, 2018.

ONU elojia esforsu autoridades nasional hotu, espesialmente Sekretaria Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral ba jestaun eleisaun, Comisaun Nasional Eleitoral (CNE), no mos Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste nebe mantein ona lei no orden durante prosesu tomak.

Ami hein hodi simu rezultadu apuramentu nasional husi CNE no deklarasaun rezultadu husi Tribunal Supremu kona ba konkluzaun ba iha prosesu ida ne’e.


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