UNDP and MSA establish a new partnership to strengthen the decentralisation of public administration in Timor-Leste

UNDP will capitalize on its previous practices and will continue to support the decentralization process of public administration

November 13, 2018

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                    (Le versaun Tetun iha ne’e)

Maliana, 29 October 2018: Implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Ministry of State Administration (MSA), a new KOICA-funded initiative ‘Supporting Decentralization of Public Administration through Effective Delivery of Public Services at Municipal Level’ will support two municipalities – the Municipality of Baucau and Bobonaro – to improve their efficiency in delivering public services through establishing a multilevel and multi-actor platform in which all local actors and stakeholders, including women and youth, will be involved throughout the process

The project document was signed today in Maliana by UNDP, Ministry of State Administration, Municipality of Baucau and Municipality of Bobonaro, observed by representatives of KOICA and UNDP

UNDP-MSA partnership has started since the initiation of the decentralisation process in Timor-Leste, technically supporting the local development agenda through establishing bottom-up decision-making processes, while building capacities among civil servants and other local actors

UNDP Country Director Mr. Claudio Providas says: “With the support of KOICA, and through this project, UNDP will capitalize on its previous practices and will continue to support the decentralization process of public administration, supporting the Ministry of State Administration and the Municipalities of Bobonaro and Baucau in their commitment to guarantee effective delivery of public services.

The Vice-Minister of the Ministry of State Administration Mr. Abilio Caetano says: “This project will support the Municipalities of Baucau and Bobonaro to have stronger Municipal Strategic Plans using participatory methodology. The Strategic Plans will help the public servants to move from reactive planning, which means to respond to an existing need or urgency, to strategic planning. Strategic thinking is key in our society. We need to be ahead of the needs of our people to avoid human suffering.

The Country Director of KOICA in Timor-Leste Mr. Sikhyon Kim says “Institutional strengthening in decentralization will be highlighted in the form of capacity building of municipal government through the dispatch of facilitators responsible for organizing the working group, the selection of priority development project and monitoring and evaluation.

In line with the approved laws and decrees in support of the decentralisation process, the Government of Timor-Leste shows a steady commitment to deliver quality public services and continue to improve the efficiency, accountability and transparency of its public administration. Building capacities among civil servants and other local actors is crucial for guaranteeing sustainable and effective results in the short- and long-term run

The planned activities for the project include the establishment of a multilevel and multi-sectorial Working Group that will involve all the multiple actors in the territory. The establishment of a such Working Group will not only build the capacity of civil servants to improve the efficiency in the provision of public services but also improve the coordination and cooperation among all present actors, avoiding duplication of investments as well as guaranteeing long-term sustainability of the projects that are being implemented.

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For more information and interviews:

UNDP Timor-Leste, media.tl@undp.org


PNUD no MAE Establese Parseiru Foun Ida hodi Hametin Desentralizasaun ba Administrasaun Públiku iha Timor Leste

Maliana, Loron 29 fulan Outubru tinan 2018: Implementa husi Programa Nasoins Unidas ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD) ho Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), inisiativa finansia foun husi KOICA nian ba “Suporta Desentralizasaun ba Administrasaun Públika liu-husi Atendimentu Servisu Públiku iha Nivel Munisípiu” hodi fó apoia ba Munisípiu rua – mak Munisípiu Baucau no Bobonaro, atu hadi’a sira-nia efisiensia iha prestasaun servisu públiku liu-husi establesimentu plataforma no atór oin-oin iha ne’ebé atór lokál sira no parseiru inklui feto no foin-sa’e sira mak sei ba involve prosesu ne’e tomak

Dokumentus ba projeitu asina tiha ona loron ohin iha Maliana husi PNUD, Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál, Munisípiu Baucau no Bobonaro, hetan observasaun husi representante KOICA no PNUD

Parseria PNUD-MAE komesa dezde hahú prosesu desentralizasaun iha Timor-Leste, teknikamente fó apoio agenda dezenvolvimentu lokál liu-husi establesimentu prosesu foti desisaun husi kraik ba leten, bainhira hari’I kapasidade entre funsionáriu públiku no atór lokál sira.

Diretór PNUD Sr.Claudio Providas hateten: “Ho apoiu KOICA, liu-husi projeitu ida-ne’e, PNUD sei kapitaliza ba ninia prátika sira pasadu no sei kontinua fó apoiu ba prosesu desentralizasaun administrasaun públiku, fó apoiu ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal no Munisípiu Bobonaro no Baucau iha sira-nia komprimisiu hodi garante efetividade prestasaun ba servisu públiku.

Vice-Ministru ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál Sr. Abilio Caetano hateten: “Projetu ida ne’e sei suporta Munisípiu Baucau no Bobonaro atu bele iha Planu Estratéjiku Munisipál ne’ebé forte, utiliza metodolojia partisipativu. Planu Estratéjiku ne’e sei ajuda funsionáriu públiku sira atu hakat sai husi planeamentu ne’ebé reaktiva, ne’ebé signifika katak planeamentu ne’ebé hatan ba nesesidade ne’ebé iha ka urjente, ba planeamentu estratéjiku. Hanoin ne’ebé estratéjiku importante tebes ba ita nia sosiedade. Ita presija hanoin uluk ba iha nesesidade ita nia povu nia oin atu bele ses husi sofrimentu umanu.

Diretór KOICA Sr. Sikhyon Kim hateten: “Hametin desentralizasaun institusional sei foka liu iha forma kapasitasaun ba governu munisípal liu-husi despaisu fasilitadór ne’ebé responsavel atu organiza grupu traballu, no selesaun ba projetu dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé fo prioridade ba monitorizasaun no avaliasaun.

Liga ba lei ne’ebé aprova tiha ona no dekretu sira ne’ebé apoia prosesu desentralizasaun, Governu Timor- Leste hatudu kompromisu ida ne’ebé forte hodi fó prestasaun servisu públiku no kontinua hadi’a efisiensia, responsabilizasaun no transparénsia/nakloke ninia administrasaun públiku. Hari’I kapasidade funsionáriu públiku sira no atór lokál sira seluk mak importante liu atu fó garantia sustentabilidade no rezultadu sira efetivu iha lala’ok tempu badak no tempu naruk nian

Atividade sira ne’ebé planeadu ona ba projeitu inklui establesimentu grupu trabalhu no setóres oin-oin mak sei involve hotu ho atór sira oin-oin iha teritóriu. Establesimentu ba grupu trabalhu hirak-ne’e sei la’os de’it hari’I kapasidade funsionáriu públiku atu hadi’a efisiensia iha fornesimentu servisu públiku maibé mos hadi’a kordenasaun no kooperasaun entre atór sira dadaun ne’e, hodi evita duplikasaun ba investimentu no mós garantia sustentabilidade projeitu ba tempu naruk ne’ebé dadaun ne’e implementa ona.

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Ba intervista no informasau klaru liu-tan; kontaktu:

UNDP Timor-Leste, media.tl@undp.org