Submissions sought from youth in Timor-Leste for two global youth innovation challenges

Application deadline: 31st October 2019

October 2, 2019

The Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge and the Youth Co:Lab Innovation Challenge provide platforms for young people to showcase innovative solutions to real-world concerns and take part in national and regional competitions.

DILI, Timor-Leste, 30 September 2019 – Two global initiatives that support innovation by youth - the Generation Unlimited (GenU) Youth Challenge and Youth Co:Lab Innovation Challenge – will launch today in Timor-Leste. The launch of the two initiatives will provide youth in Timor-Leste with the chance to showcase their innovative ideas and vie for a chance to take part in national and regional competitions.

Application details and criteria will be transmitted to youth across Timor-Leste using existing youth engagement platforms supported by UNDP, UNICEF and Plan International, and at today’s launch event in Dili.

According to eligibility guidelines, young people between the ages of 14 and 24 may submit ideas that have the potential to drive progress and development across Timor-Leste under one or both of the challenges. These ideas could include solutions for improving education, employment and civic engagement, as well as building climate-smart job and livelihood opportunities across agriculture, tourism, waste management/circular economy, and renewable energy.

Successful Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge applicants will be invited to take part in design workshops in Dili in October. Following these workshops, the five most promising ideas will be selected and awarded USD$1,000 each in funding and provided with mentoring to support the projects’ implementation. In June 2020, the most promising solutions from each country participating in the challenge will be submitted to a global judging process, with successful projects receiving funding of up to $20,000, and support by Generation Unlimited partners to scale up solutions.

Successful Youth Co:Lab applicants will attend a series of capacity-building workshops in October in Dili and pitch their ideas to partners in November 2019. The selected applicants will be awarded around US$2,000 in travel costs to present their proposed solutions to other youth and partners at a regional event to be held in Malaysia in April 2020. Successful.

Participants or groups will then receive mentoring and incubation support through UNDP’s Springboard Programme, which will allow them to implement and scale up their ideas.

Generation Unlimited: Generation Unlimited is global partnership working to prepare young people to become productive and engaged citizens. It connects secondary-age education and training to employment and entrepreneurship, empowering every young person to thrive in the world of work. For more information on Generation Unlimited, visit

Youth Co:Lab: Co-created in 2017 by UNDP and the Citi Foundation, Youth Co:Lab aims to establish a common agenda for countries in the Asia-Pacific region to empower and invest in youth, so they can accel­erate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through leadership, social innovation and entre­preneurship. For more information on the Youth Co:Lab, visit

UNICEF: UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, to build a better world for everyone.

UNDP: UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in nearly 170 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

Plan International: Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 80 years and are now active in more than 75 countries.

For more information, please contact:

English enquiries: Rukshan Ratnam, UNICEF:

Tetum enquiries: Felisberta Moniz da Silva, UNDP:

(Le'e versaun Tetum iha okos)

Submisaun ba Joven iha Timor-Leste ba Dezafiu Rua Inovasaun global Juvenil

Generation Unlimited Challenge no Youth Co. : Dezafiu Inovasaun Lab, fornese plataforma atu joven sira aprezenta soluaun inovador kona-ba preokupasaun mundu real no partisipa iha kompetisaun nasional no rejional.

DILI, Timor-Leste, 30 de setembro de 2019 – inisiativa global rua ne’ebé apoia inovasaun foin-sa’e sira- dezafiu Generation Unlimited (GenU) no Youth Co .: Dezafiu Inovasaun Lab – sei lansa ohin iha Timor-Leste. Lansamentu inisiativa rua ne’e propoin ba joven Timor-Leste  oportunidade atu aprezenta sira-nia ideia no ideia invador sira, atu bele partisipa iha kompetisaun nasional no rejional.

Detallu no kriteriu sira ba kandidatura sei transmiti ba joven Timor-Leste hodi uza plataforma joven sira nia envolvimentu, apoia husi PNUD, UNICEF no Plan Internasional, no iha eventu lansamentu ohin iha Dili.

Tuir akordu mata dalan elegibilidade, joven entre tinan 14 no 24 bele haruka ideia sira ne’ebé iha potensia atu lori ba oin progresu no dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste ho dezafiu ida ka rua hotu. Ideia sira ne’e bele inklui solusaun atu halo diak liutan eduksaun, empregu no partisipasaun sosiedade, no kria empregu climate-smart no oportunidade substansia iha agrikultura, turizmu, jestaun rezidu/ ekonomia sirkular no enerjia renovavel.

Kandidatu Desafiu Juventude Ilimitada ne’ebé susesu sei konvida atu partisipa iha workshop dezeñu iha Dili, Otubru 2019. Hotu tiha seminriu, ideia 5 ne’ebé iha liu kompromisiu sei selesiona no simu US $ 1.000 ba ema ida-ida-idak ba finansiamentu no orientasaun atu apoiu implementasaun projetu sira. Iha Juñu 2020, solusaun ne’ebé promisora liu, husi nasaun ida-idak  ne’ebé partisipa iha dezafiu ne’e, sei submete ba prosesu julgamentu global ida, ho projetu susesu-diak sei simu finansiamentu to’o US $ 20.000 no apoiu parseiru Jerasaun Ilimitada atu hasa’e solusaun.

Successful Youth Co: Kandidatu laboratoriu sei partisipa série workshop kapasitasaun iha Otubru 2019 iha Dili no aprezenta sira-nia ideia ba parseiru sira iha fulan Novembru 2019. Kandidatu ne’ebé selesiona sei simu serka US $ 2.000 ba kustu viajen ba aprezenta ninia proposta solusaun sira ba joven sira seluk no parseiru iha eventu rejional ne’ebé sei realiza iha Malásia, Abril 2020.

Partispnate ka grupu sei simu apoiu orientasaun no inkubasaun liuhusi Programa Springboard husi PNUD, ne’ebé sei permite sira atu implementa no hasa’e sira-nia ideia. 

Generation Unlimited: Jerasaun ilimitada mak parseria global ne’ebé servisu atu prepara joven sira atu sai sidadaun produtiva no engajadu. Nia konekta edukasun no treinamentu idade sekundária ba empregu no empreendedorizmu, kapasita joven sira hotu atu prospera iha mundu servsiu nian. Informasaun kompletu kona-ba Jerasaun Ilimitada, ba iha

Youth Co: Lab: hari’i iha 2017 husi PNUD no husi Fundasaun Citi, Youth Co: Objetivu Lab atu estabelese ajenda komun ba nasaun sira Ázia-Pasífiku atu kapasita no investe iha juventude, atu bele aselera implementsaun objetivu sira Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) liuhusi lideransa, inivasaun sosial no empreendedorizmo. Informasaun liutan kona-ba Youth Co: Lab, ba iha

UNICEF: UNICEF servisu iha fatin balun ne’ebé susar liu iha mundu, atu to’o ba labarik sira ne’ebé laiha sorte liu iha mundu. Iha 190 nasaun no territórios, ami servsiu ba labarik sira, iha fatin hotu, atu hari’i mundu ne’ebé diak liu ba ema hotu.

PNUD: PNUD halo parseria ho ema hotu husi nível hotu sosiedade nian atu ajuda hari’i nasaun ne’ebé bele suporta krize no dudu no sustenta tipu kresimentu ne’ebé halo diak liutan kualidade moris ba ema hotu. Iha kuaze 170 nasaun no territórios, ami oferese perspetiva global no matenek lokal atu ajuda fortalese moris no konstrui nasaun reziliente.

Plan International: Plan International mak organizasaun humanitária no dezenvolvimentu independente ne’ebé promove direitu no igualdade labarik ba labarik feto sira. Ami fiar iha kbi’it no potensia labarik sira nian. Ami konstrui hela parseria ne’ebé forte ba labarik sira durante tinan 80 no agora ami ativu iha 75 nasaun.
Infomasaun liutan, bele kontatu ho:
Informasaun iha inglês: Rukshan Ratnam, UNICEF:
Informasaun iha tétum: Felisberta Moniz da Silva, PNUD: