Covid-19 procurement proceeding as planned

Government and UNDP cooperation makes record progress in challenging times

August 14, 2020

Press Release

Dili, 14 August, 2020

As confirmed by Minister of Health Doutora Odete Maria Freitas Belo on August 13, UNDP procurement of US$5.7 million of health equipment and medicines to respond to the Covid-19 crisis, and other critical healthcare needs, is ongoing as planned.

In total, nearly US$4.6 million worth of essential medicines, PPE and medical equipment have been purchased as of August. The majority have already been delivered or are on the way.

The procurement includes: 42 types of essential medicines such as Amoxicillin, Dexamethasone, and Zinc; and 23 types of Covid-19 PPE and medical equipment including: 45 ventilators; 200,000 surgical masks and 300,000 N95 masks; 10,000 safety goggles and 10,000 face shields; and 100 pulse oximeters. The majority have already been delivered or are on the way.

Ten thousand Covid-19 test kits and 25,000 sample collection kits are also part of the procurement.

Three of up to six planned shipments were handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Servico Autonomo de Medicamentos e Equipamentos de Saude (SAMES) on Friday 29 May and Thursday 9 July respectively. The latest shipment of goods has arrived in Dili Port and is being cleared by customs authorities. Subsequent storage of the goods has been conducted by SAMES.

The UNDP’s global procurement team (in Geneva and Copenhagen, Bangkok, Beijing) sourced quality-assured items from countries in Europe and Asia including, the UK, Spain, France, Austria, Italy, South Korea and China.

The procurement has occurred in record time given the volatile global supply chain for medical devices and pharmaceutical products as well as logistical difficulties.

UNDP human resources provided quality assurance and control for the procurement whereas technical training, maintenance, and warranties to ensure safety for the population and frontline workers are included in the procurement of the equipment.

Cooperation between all parties has been excellent and has increased the capacity of local health authorities overall, as well as in responding to the ongoing pandemic.

For further information please contact UNDP Communications at


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Akizisaun Covid-19 prosesa hanesan

Komunikadu imprensa


Dili, 14 Agostu 2020

Hanesan konfirma husi Ministra Saúde, Doutora Odete Maria Freitas Belo iha 13 Agostu, akzisaun PNUD US $ 5,7 milloens ba ekipamentu no medikamentu saúde atu responde ba krize Covid-19 no nesesidade sira seluk saúde krítika nian iha ona progresu hanesan planu ona.  

Iha total kuaze US $ 4,6 milaun ba ai-moruk essensial sira, EPIs no ekipamentu médiku sosa ona iha fulan Agostu. Maioria haruka ona ka sei iha dalan.

Akizisaun inklui: 42 tipu medikamentu esensial, hanesan Amoxicilina, Dexametasona no Zinco; no 23 tipu de EPI Covid-19 no ekipamentu médiku, inklui 45 ventIlador; 200,000 maskra surjiku; 300,000 maskra N95; 10.000 ókulu seguransa no protetor oin no 100 oxímetros ba pulsu;

Millaun sanulu ekipamentu teste Covid-19 no 25,000 kolesaun nu’udar parte husi ekizisaun. Maioria entrega ona ka sei iha dalan.

Husi embarque tolu to’o ne’en ne’ebé programa ona, entrega ona ba Ministériu Relasaun Esterior no ba Serviço Autônomo de Medicamentos e Equipamentos de Saúde (SAMES) iha sexta-feira, 29 Maiu, no iha Kinta-feira, 9 Jullu. Embarque foun to’o ona iha Portu Dili no sei hein lisensa husi autoridade alfandegá. Armazenamentu ba sasan hirak ne’e hala’o husi SAMES.

Ekipa sosa sasan global PNUD (iha Genebra no Copenhague, Bangkok, Pequim) foti sasan ho kualidade garantida husi nasaun hirak iha Europa no Ásia, inklui Reino Unido, Espanha, França, Áustria, Itália, Coreia do Sul.

Akizisaun la’o iha tempu badak tuir sirkulu suprimentu global ne’ebé la sertu ba médiku no produto farmasia, no difikuldade logístika.

Rekursu umanu PNUD kolokadu hodi garantia kualidade no kontrola ba akizisaun, maibee treinamentu tékniku, manutensaun no garantia ba seguransa populasaun no traballador sira iha primeira liña inklui iha akizisaun ekipamentu.

Kooperasaun husi parte hotu la’o diak tebes no aumenta ona kapasidade autoridade saúde lokal iha jeral, nune’e mos hanesan resposta ba pandemia ne’ebé la’o dadaun.

Detallu kona-ba akizisaun sei fornese konferênsia imprensa iha Tersa-feira, 18 Agostu 2020, iha oras 08: 45, iha UN Compound, Caicoli, Dili.

Ba informasaun liutan, bele kontatu ba Komunikasaun PNUD iha