Timor-Leste National Human Development Report 2018: Planning the Opportunities for a Youthful Population

Timor-Leste National Human Development Report 2018: Planning the Opportunities for a Youthful Population

April 3, 2018

The Human Development Report (HDR), pioneered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 1990, has influenced the development debate worldwide for more than a quarter of a century by placing the richness of human life above the richness of the economy. The global HDR appears every year, and national and regional HDRs are prepared periodically. The Timor-Leste National Human Development Report 2018: Planning the Opportunities for a Youthful Population is the fourth national HDR of Timor-Leste.

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This National Human Development Report (National HDR) puts the well-being of young people at the centre of the policy agenda. Why youth? Timor-Leste has one of the youngest populations in the Asia and Pacific region, with a median age of 17.4 years. This makes TimorLeste the 15th youngest in the world, behind only Afghanistan and a group of African nations. The population below age 35 accounts for 74 percent of the total population. Hence, this report responds to the development aspirations of the youth of Timor-Leste, the drivers of the nation’s future development.

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